Monday, June 25, 2012

Chatty: Mass Effect 3, Windows 8

You've run out of new stories to read, listened to the latest episode of Weekend Confirmed, and still want more Shacknews? While these threads have expired, you can join thousands of other gamers as we discuss everything from videogame industry news to politics in the Chatty. Make sure you log-in and check your filters if you can't see the following:

The wonderful fiends over at BioWare announced that the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC will be landing on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. Marauder shields will suffer at the hand of Commander Shepard once more. Have you been keeping up your war assets to get the best ending for your playthrough? What do you mean you've been playing Diablo III instead? Dig up your copy and let evil be evil for the moment, while you participate in Operation Savage with Wadmassi this weekend.

Max Payne 3 only sold 440,000 copies in the month of May, earning the ire of one Michael Pachter who called the game "a flop." Max hurts. Max is in pain. After spending some time with the game, UtilityMaximizer has some decent thoughts as to who should play the game and who should probably stay away. Do you agree with him?

Quantum Conundrum, designed by Portal co-designer Kim Swift, is breaking analytical minds everywhere with its difficult yet creative puzzles. Serpico74 wants to know your thoughts; have you played the game?

The Secret World launches on July 3, 2012, seeking to gain something of a foothold in the MMO market. Check out pix3lated's thread for answers to your burning game questions, and will be forming a guild immediately after launch for interested Shacker folks. Will you kindly join him?

Microsoft was rather busy this week, announcing both the Surface and unveiling what you can expect from the upcoming Windows Phone 8 update. RevRaven and the Shack watch the Surface reveal and discuss the tablet itself; jabuck and the Shack watch the Phone Developers conference in this thread. This fall is certainly shaping up to be interesting for Microsoft, with Windows 8 holding a lot of promise for gamers everywhere. As a Lumia 900 user, I'm not exactly thrilled with the lack of upgrade path to Windows Phone 8, stuck with the somewhat lesser Windows Phone 7.8 update, but I am glad to see another platform maturing to compete with the marketplace.

The Warp Zone

Welcome to The Warp Zone, where the posts are crazy and the lols don't matter.

In case you missed it, Ozzie Mejia recently wrote a two-part series on the Arma II serious games squad, Shack Tactical, led by your very own Dslyecxi. Check out the articles here and here, and stay tuned for more Community Spotlights featuring some of your favorite Chatty personalities soon.

Professional baseball continues to lose in the television ratings game, but there really is no arguing that ballparks themselves are beautiful. Which park is your favorite? The Shack weighs in with MoreVespeneGas. Of course, I'm partial to PNC Park myself, given that I go to a dozen or so games there every summer. So it automatically should win, and everyone else is wrong.

Brave, Pixar's latest animated flick, arrives in theatres this weekend. Some critical reviews are shaping up to be not so great, as mojoald discovers. Did you go see it? What did you think of the main character? Make sure you take a psychology class at your local community college before bothering to comment, though.

Bunch of terrible, crazy drivers up in this thread.

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