Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Is Camel Milk Good For You?

Is Camel Milk Good For You?

According to the experts, camel milk is an excellent medicinal product. It?s said to be the closest thing to human mother?s milk, it contains more Vitamin C and iron than milk from cows. The properties found in the milk boosts the immune system, it's low in lactose so people who are lactose-intolerant have an easier time of digesting it, and it contains healthy servings of vitamin B.

The milk prevents the growth of bacteria, viruses, tumors, and can potentially be used as a defense against many diseases. It may also help people who are autistic, people with allergies, and people with poor immune systems. As with any supplement, check with your physician or nutritionist to find out if this product is right for you before trying it.

One of the biggest beneficiaries of it, however, are diabetics.

  • It?s not only low in fat but contains a wealth of insulin. Medical professionals who tested Type I Diabetics after they consumed the milk found the amount of insulin needed to control blood sugar was greatly reduced. One renowned clinician discovered diabetics who ingested 500 ml of the milk in its rawest and freshest form every day had improved health benefits because the proteins found in the milk actually mimics insulin. These proteins helped sufferers quickly absorb insulin and they decreased blood clotting. The clinician advises diabetics to continue receiving their regular insulin treatments and suggests using camel milk as an additional viable choice if those treatments aren?t available.

People with compromised immune systems may also benefit from the milk.

  • Antibodies that prevent the immune system from assaulting it?s own body tissues are found in the milk. HIV/AIDS, Crohn?s disease, cancer, and multiple sclerosis are some examples of autoimmune illnesses that can be treated. These antibodies pinpoint antigens and easily penetrate them for destruction by the immune system. One Israeli physiologist observed the advantages sufferers of these diseases received after consuming the milk over the course of five years. His studies showed it not only promotes a healthier immune system but it has the ability to regulate or restore the health of the immune system. Sufficient evidence to prove this claim is still forthcoming, however.

Autistic people may also reap advantages from the milk.

  • Seven years ago, a scholarly journal published a study claiming the signs of autism were completely gone when medical researchers discovered a young female under the age of 5 drank the milk for several weeks. A teenage boy also had no sign of autism after drinking the milk for 30 days. Also, observers noticed a few autistic adults who consumed the milk for 14 days became more serene and less destructive to themselves. Researchers believe the milk has many advantages for people with autism, but no studies contain concrete data that autism disappears after the subjects observed drank it.

Until 2009, it was a felony to sell camel milk in America. The FDA has since approved it for sale in the United States. But don?t look for it on the store shelves yet because the product isn?t viable commercially. The benefits to health alone is not worth investing the time and resources needed to bring it to market. Some online stores sell chocolate confections made from camel milk. Personally, I would try the candy if I wanted to shell out $10 for a 2.5 ounce bar. But, then again, I can rarely say no to chocolate.

What do you think? Will you drink camel milk if it becomes widely available in the U.S.?

Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/food-and-drink/is-camel-milk-good-for-you

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