Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How To Get 100 New Subscribers, Or More, To Your Membership ...

Author: Don Hastie | Total views: 92 Comments: 0
Word Count: 917 Date:

Whether you have an existing membership site up and running or you have an idea for one and are in the process of starting it up... you'll have one burning question on your mind...

How To Get New Members!

The basic truth is that no matter how many members you have today, or will have tomorrow, the amount of work you have to do to get/keep your site fresh and compelling is exactly the same... so you may as well keep adding more paying members to make it all worthwhile, right?

So let's cover three simple steps that attract more members...

STEP 1: Create a small paid for report.

Write a simple 12-15 page report on a sub-topic of your sites main topic. Listen: This is not a "Freebie" to give away for anyone who signs up, no, no! This is a valuable product that customers will be willing to pay c: $9.00 for.

Now sell this report from your membership site's domain name but not from the membership page. Create another page that is dedicated to selling your new product and ADD it to your domain.

For example:

Main membership domain: www.abc123.com

New product sales page: www.abc123.com/yournewreport.html

One reason you stick with the main domain name is simply to save time and costs. You don't need to register a new domain nor do all things needed to set it up... But there is far more important reason why you do it this way...

You expose them to your main membership domain name and site!

Now you setup your traffic driving sales strategy to point at the page selling the report. But people are curious beasts and most will see the sub-domain name and strip it off and go look at the main domain as well. Two sales opportunities for the one strategy... cool huh?

STEP 2: Give the report customer a 'Test Drive' of your membership site

Setup your report fulfillment page to (where they download it from or your "Thank you for ordering" page) to also have a TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION option. This option should be at the top of the page and make sure you 'sell' it as an "Unadvertised bonus". Tell them they that as a customer of your new product they are entitled to use the membership site for 'FREE' for two weeks.

A reasonable percentage of report buyers will automatically enrol simply because your site relates to the report they paid for and you have provided a special price for just them. The psychology here is that most will feel they have paid for the free trial by purchasing the report and will want to make sure they claim what they paid for.

You can add a deadline if you want, such as: "For today only" but if you do make sure you stick to it. Lie and you'll blow your hard-earned credibility straight out of the window.

Now simply provide a small list of reasons (benefits) of being a subscriber to your membership site and a link to the main site itself.

So, the process follows this path...

1. A PROSPECT arrives at your report's sales page. 2. They read and like the sales message for your $9.00 report. 3. They place an order and become a CUSTOMER. 4. You skilfully move them to the download page containing your 'Unadvertsed bonus' offer. 5. The customer now sees they can also get a two-week trial for FREE or maybe $1.

With me so far?

Great... here's the killer step...

STEP 3: Present a Bonus which requires activation

Now, to make sure the customer makes the right decision which is to sign up to your trial membership offer create an additional HIGHLY DESIRABLE bonus that the customer only gets if they activate the trial membership right now! Here's some ideas for this killer bonus:

1. Free coaching from your inner-circle... can be delivered by webinar so you don't have to do it in person. 2. Ready-made templates to make their life easier when working in the topic matter. 3. Another topic related resource you are an affiliate for or a JV offer. 4. A software tool that automates a process in the topic matter. 5. A short-cut "How to" guide. 6. A good PLR product. 7. A Good public domain product (make sure it IS copywrite free first though).

Look: It doesn't matter what this "activation bonus" is as long as you have something of perceived value to the customer that is about the topic matter. You just make it SO GOOD the customer just has to feel "Hey, this is so good I just can't miss out".

So the bottom line to you is this:

1. You create a qualified CUSTOMER list for free as the small report fee covers your costs! 2. You get a percentage of IMMEDIATE sign ups! 3. You bring in AUTOMATED subscribers through follow-up mailings to your list!

Just make sure you add the autoresponder series behind the report order page and the membership trial subscriber page and you're good to go!

Once you have this system in place simply keep driving traffic to your report's sales page and you'll keep a trickle of new members coming in every month!

Don Hastie is an online marketing specialist and the founder of Internet Products Reviewed. For strategies, training and internet marketing advice see http://www.internetproductsreviewed.com/webinars - For impartial advice to help you start your own online business, visit http://www.internetproductsreviewed.com

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Source: http://www.content4reprint.com/internet-marketing/how-to-get-100-new-subscribers-or-more-to-your-membership-site-quickly-and-regularly.htm

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