Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama balancing storm response with campaigning

President Barack Obama hugs his daughter Sasha as he walks with Malia as they leave St. John's Episcopal Church to walk across Lafayette Park as they return to the White House in Washington, on Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

President Barack Obama hugs his daughter Sasha as he walks with Malia as they leave St. John's Episcopal Church to walk across Lafayette Park as they return to the White House in Washington, on Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

President Barack Obama walks to St. John's Episcopal Church from the White House with his daughters Sasha, left, and Malia, in Washington, on Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama has spent months trying to balance his re-election bid with running the government.

Now, just when his campaign needs him the most, with little more than a week before the election, his official job is beckoning.

Republican challenger Mitt Romney, too, faces questions about how to conduct his campaign as a superstorm charges toward the East Coast. But as president, it's Obama who oversees the federal government's preparations for the looming storm and it's Obama who will bear the responsibility for any missteps.

With that in mind, Obama scrapped some campaign events for Monday, as well as Tuesday morning. He planned to return to the White House Monday afternoon to monitor the storm and the government's response.

"My first priority has to be making sure that everything is in place" to help those affected by the storm, Obama told campaign workers in Orlando, Fla., on Sunday night. He said the storm meant he would "not be able to campaign quite as much over the next few days."

Still, ripping up Obama's strategically planned travel schedule was something his Chicago-based campaign was loath to do unless absolutely necessary.

In the tight race, the candidates have few opportunities left to blitz through the most competitive states, trying to build momentum and make a final pitch to undecided voters.

The president's handling of the storm could sway those late-breaking voters. If Obama is perceived as a strong leader who shows command in a crisis, some undecided voters may be compelled to back the president. But a botched response or a sense that he's putting politics over public safety could weaken his support at a point in the race where there's little chance to reverse course.

"I think that the president of the United States is the commander in chief. The American people look to him, and I'm sure he will conduct himself and play his leadership role in a fine fashion. So I would imagine that might help him a little bit," said Arizona Sen. John McCain, who lost to Obama in 2008.

"But I'm not sure it will affect votes. People have been exposed to this very long campaign," he said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

Obama advisers say they've learned the lessons from President George W. Bush's widely criticized response to Hurricane Katrina. Bush was seen as ineffective and out of touch, and his presidency never recovered.

That's why Obama's team has moved quickly throughout the year to avoid the impression that the president was shirking his responsibilities, even as the campaign ramped up.

When separate crises struck Colorado this summer ? destructive wildfires and a mass shooting at a movie theater ? Obama hastily arranged trips to meet with victims and their families. When a hurricane barreled through the Gulf Coast ahead of the Democratic Convention, the president added a stop in New Orleans to his preconvention itinerary.

But those decisions were far easier than what's facing Obama's team. Back then, there was time to add or reschedule trips. Now, with just nine days until Election Day, time is a precious commodity and canceling trips may mean never having the chance to make them up.

Hurricane Sandy was expected to hit the East Coast late Monday, then combine with two winter weather systems as it moves inland, creating a hybrid superstorm. At least four battleground states are likely to be hit: New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia.

Obama plans to spend every day between now and Nov. 6 on the road in most of those states and others, though his schedule does call for him to be back in Washington some nights.

In canceling Obama's event Monday in Virginia, aides also considered the optics of urging thousands of people to venture out to a political rally in the midst of a raging storm.

Still, it was clear Obama's team was working hard to ensure that the president could keep campaigning as long as possible before he was needed back in Washington.

His departure for Florida, where he'll hold an event with Bill Clinton, was moved up from Monday morning to Sunday night to ensure Obama made it to the Orlando area. But the campaign canceled appearances at two other events, in Virginia and Ohio. Vice President Joe Biden will join Clinton at the Ohio rally.

Obama was scheduled to campaign Tuesday evening in Wisconsin, though that too was in flux.

Romney canceled three events in Virginia on Sunday and planned to spend the day campaigning with running mate Paul Ryan in Ohio.

If bad weather keeps people in hard-hit battleground states from going to the polls, it could mess up the campaigns' carefully crafted get-out-the-vote efforts.

Jennifer Psaki, Obama's campaign spokeswoman, said the Democratic ticket was urging people to vote early when they can, especially if it helps them get to the polls before the storm.

"Safety comes first," she said. "And that's the case with early voting as well."


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Finance minister scores desperately needed goal for team : Grant ...

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Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan?s assurances that the South African government would not spend more than it had budgeted scored a desperately needed goal for team South Africa. ?The minister has used the opportunity of the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement to steady the ship ? moving to restore the confidence of the business community, international analysts and investors as South Africa continues to weather the gales of global economic slowdown and domestic labour crisis? said AJ Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen, Head of Tax, Grant Thornton.

Striking the right notes on growth and projecting an incremental improvement in South Africa?s budget deficit while identifying efficiency gains and savings as likely sources of additional revenue, ?the minister, nonetheless, reserved the right to change tack should the economic situation deteriorate further? added Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen.

Certainly, if efficiency gains and savings are to account for additional revenue other references to the South African public sector in the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement may prove instructive.

On this front the minister?s mention of ?aligning municipal spending plans to predetermined objectives while promoting transparent systems of governance over expenditure is most welcome and, if implemented, will assist the administration?s clean audit objectives? says Terry Ramabulana, Public Sector Specialist, Grant Thornton. Other mentions that should drive public sector efficiency gains and savings include:

  • A greater requirement for treasury to outsource training to local government on IT governance and financial management.
  • Long overdue cash flow management efforts alongside stringent project management discipline at all levels of government. Certainly, ?for earmarked infrastructure development projects to succeed in providing the efficiency, skills and employment dividends that government projects, a greater deal of financial management, facilitated by adequate monitoring systems, are a prerequisite? adds Ramabulana.
  • Welcome creative tax measures,? including a real time tax clearance certificate system will streamline the process, reduce the incidence of tender fraud and, importantly, allow for the verification of tender revenue in recipients tax returns.

Notable for Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen was the minister?s failure to specifically mention funding options for the NHI, even though previous Medium Term speeches included the proposal. Although there was mention of health infrastructure spend, the annual increase in health spending over the next three years is put at around 7.5%. This is unlikely to cover NHI aspirations in the medium term. As such, more definitive insight into NHI funding mechanisms is crucial. While mention was made of various NHI documents which are to be released in November this year and January 2013, ?one can only hope that clarity will be provided in the budget speech in February next year? said Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen, adding that ?funding the NHI through VAT or an employer levy or a payroll tax or a combination of the three is a bit vague for my liking.?

While the minister committed more effort and resources to upgrade infrastructure at both local and provincial level, ?we hope that the managers entrusted to spend the allocated budgets apply business intelligence tools and methodologies to make informed decisions. This is important as lack of capacity, especially in local government, has frustrated much of South Africa?s infrastructure spend in the past? cautions Ramabulana.

Since the minister forecasts that the bulk of infrastructure funding is to come from parastatal balance sheets this, in effect, means that users will likely pay for the recovery of these costs over time, ?similar to Eskom?s 16% tariff increases and toll road funding which add to the pool of stealth taxes we already suffer ? says Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen.

The commitment to plan procurement and planning is also most welcome from a public sector perspective, ?but needs to result in actual delivery if the infrastructure spend is to create skills and drive growth and job creation? says Ramabulana.

Though the minister expected the budget deficit to narrow from 4.8 percent to 3.1 percent of GDP in 2015/16, this is based on annualised increases in tax revenue collections of about 10% up to 2013/2014. ?If the level of economic activity required to support these levels of collections are not achieved, both spending reductions and tax increases may need to be considered? said Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen.

The Medium Term Budget Policy Statement repeatedly refers to DISCIPLINE, the importance of QUALITY of spending, and the reduction of WASTE ? to be achieved by linking future cash flows to actual project delivery. ?As much as Finance Minister Gordhan is committed to lead by example, the challenge will be for his fellow ministers follow his lead ? says Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen.

So, while as ever the devil may lie in the detail, ?on the whole the minister has proved his mettle and met a difficult challenge head on, sending a message of fiscal discipline and policy consistency at a time critical to the reputation and future prosperity of South Africa? concluded Ramabulana.

Tags: 2012, AJ Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen, Budget analysis, clean audit, Commentary, Grant Thornton tax experts, Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, MTBPS, NHI, Public Sector Specialist, SARS, Terry Ramabulana, VAT


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Jerusalem's secular Israeli minority showing life

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Hundreds of people packed a Jerusalem community center recently for what many in Jerusalem consider a subversive act: They attended a lecture on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.

The seemingly harmless event, in which the popular Arab-Israeli journalist Sayed Kashua talked about pluralism and tolerance, broke a long-standing ban on holding activities in public buildings on the Jewish day of rest.

That turned Kiryat Yovel, a tranquil neighborhood in west Jerusalem, into the latest battleground in Jerusalem's protracted culture war between Jewish conservatism and pluralism.

After years of setbacks, Jerusalem's secular population has begun to push back against what many believe are heavy-handed tactics by the city's ultra-Orthodox residents to impose their religious mores on the general population. A growing number of restaurants now open on Saturday, an array of cultural events have sprouted up, and for the first time in years, a longtime exodus of secular residents for nearby suburbs appears to have halted.

"We're not against the ultra-Orthodox, we're for tolerance and integration and against intimidation. But from no public services offered on Saturdays to promoting gender segregation, the community is undermining the very basis of our democratic state," said Dina Azriel, a leader in the grassroots "Free Kiryat Yovel" initiative, which sponsored the recent lecture.

While most Israelis are secular, Israel's founding fathers gave Judaism a formal place in the country's affairs, and Orthodox rabbis strictly govern religious events such as weddings, divorces, and burials for the Jewish population. The ultra-Orthodox are also perennial kingmakers in Israeli coalition politics, though they make up only about 10 percent of the country's population.

The influence of the ultra-Orthodox is especially pronounced in Jerusalem, where their numbers are proportionally much larger than the national average. Jerusalem, Israel's largest city, is split almost evenly into thirds between secular and modern Orthodox residents, Muslim Palestinians, and the ultra-Orthodox Jews.

Many modern Orthodox Jews live and work with the secular population while maintaining a religious life style, in contrast to ultra-Orthodox, who choose to live in insulated enclaves.

The ultra-religious have used their large numbers and political muscle to shape modern Jerusalem. The city grinds to a virtual standstill on the Jewish Sabbath, with businesses closed, public transportation halted and few options for entertainment.

Attempts to change this status quo have prompted violent backlashes from the ultra-Orthodox, who haven't hesitated to block roads, clash with police or send tens of thousands of activists into the streets when ordered by their rabbis. In 2009, the city experienced riots when it allowed a parking lot near Jerusalem's Old City to open on the Sabbath to serve out-of-town tourists.

In recent years, the ultra-Orthodox have grown bolder, pressuring the local bus company, Egged, to operate gender-segregated lines through religious neighborhoods, attempting to separate men and women on public sidewalks and ripping down billboards with female images on them. Because of the threat of vandalism, Egged recently decided to cease all advertising on its Jerusalem buses by October 2013.

Religious coercion could be an issue in January's parliamentary elections. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, which includes ultra-Orthodox parties, has been criticized as caving in to their demands. In particular, many secular Israelis are upset over the government's failure to end military draft exemptions for the ultra-Orthodox, despite a Supreme Court order.

The "Free Kiryat Yovel" movement was formed after ultra-Orthodox activists were allowed to build a kindergarten that maintained a wall to separate religious and non-religious preschoolers. It took four years of petitioning the local community center to win a permit for the Sabbath lecture.

"We're in a really critical time right now, and I'm not optimistic," said Sarit Hashkes, who runs another secular rights group, called "Be Free Israel."

"What we're seeing now is cooperation of state and police officials with the ultra-Orthodox. Women are being pushed aside, and everything is pushed more to the right."

The group is behind a number of initiatives, like offering discount cards to patrons to use at restaurants that are open on the Sabbath to increase "secular buying power."

Hashkes said momentum among the secular population is percolating, but not without an equally fierce backlash. While separate sidewalks are officially banned, she said some streets were still off limits to women during the recent Jewish Sukkot holiday.

Just last week, a prominent female activist was arrested for wearing a traditionally male prayer shawl at the Western Wall, the holiest place where Jews can pray, an act that police prohibit because of Orthodox Jewish sensitivities.

Anat Hoffman said police strip-searched her and jailed her overnight, releasing her only after she agreed to stay away from the site for a month. The incident occurred as she led prayers for 200 American Jewish women from Hadassah, a Jewish women's group that was celebrating its 100th anniversary.

Over the years, the growing religious influence, coupled with a high cost of living, has pushed tens of thousands of secular Jerusalemites to leave the city. Navigating a complicated balancing act, Mayor Nir Barkat, a secular, former high-tech businessman, has attempted to revive secular life in the city without alienating the ultra-Orthodox.

Barkat's office says the mayor has boosted the city's culture budgets since he was elected in 2008, quadrupling events like concerts and street festivals to enliven the city and encouraged new housing in secular areas to draw young couples and families.

"Despite a small number of friction points in the city, Jerusalem has seen a dramatic reduction in tension between the Ultra-Orthodox and secular communities in recent years," said spokesman Barak Cohen.

In a sign that secular life could be making a comeback, the mayor's office noted that enrollment in secular schools increased in the last school year for the first time in 15 years.

Naomi Tsur, a deputy mayor of Jerusalem, noted that for the first time in 15 years, there is a clear non-Orthodox majority in the city council, another sign of secular revival. Modern Orthodox schools also posted slight gains.

Whether these trends can continue remains unclear. More than 60 percent of Jewish students attend ultra-Orthodox schools, according to the Jerusalem Institute of Israel Studies.

Tsur, an urban planner who has promoted coexistence among Jerusalem's diverse populations, said "a lot will hinge" on whether the secular masses turn their concerns into election issues. "People usually go to vote on 'shall we go to war with Iran,' but we need to work together on making an appealing mix that will attract young and dynamic couples to live in Jerusalem," she said.

With parliamentary elections approaching, Kiryat Yovel activist and art historian Daniel Unger thinks these issues will continue to be pushed to the back burner.

"This is a real issue that Netanyahu and others don't want to address," he says. "Instead, he keeps talking about the Iranian bomb, in hope that his people won't pay attention to the domestic social and economic issues he's ignored."


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S.Africa union agrees gold mine pay deal as most strikers return

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa's gold mines agreed a wage deal with unions on Thursday as the bulk of the gold sector's striking miners returned to work under threat of dismissal.

The returns marked success of a sort for a new tough approach by mining firms, but at least 12,000 gold and 20,000 platinum miners were still pursuing a wave of unofficial strikes that have cost Africa's largest economy over 10 billion rand this year, according to the National Treasury.

About 100,000 workers in all have downed tools across South Africa since August in a wave of violent strikes that have triggered downgrades of South Africa's credit ratings, and awkward questions for President Jacob Zuma and the ruling ANC.

After three weeks of negotiations, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and the gold industry, which employs around 157,000, announced agreement on wage increases of between 1.5 and 10.8 percent for different categories of mine workers.

Harmony Gold, South Africa's third-largest producer, said most of the 5,400 strikers at its Kusasalethu mine were now back at work. Strikes at Gold Fields' three mines are also now over.

"Stability in the gold mining industry has been achieved at many of the operations and there are hopes that this trend will continue," said Chamber of Mines executive Elize Strydom.

But AngloGold Ashanti, South Africa's biggest producer, said on Wednesday it had sacked around half of its 24,000-strong local workforce who had ignored an ultimatum to return to work or be fired.


And a six-week strike at Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), the world's top producer of the metal, is no closer to ending, with 20,500 workers at its Union and Amandelbult operations still holding out for higher wages.

Amplats has also sacked 12,000 wildcat strikers at its Rustenburg mines.

Zuma has come in for particular criticism for not responding faster to the August 16 police killing of 34 strikers at Lonmin's Marikana platinum mine, the bloodiest security incident since the end of white-minority rule in 1994.

Reluctant to take a hard line in the weeks after the "Marikana massacre", Amplats and then gold firms led by Gold Fields have since got increasingly tough with the strikers, issuing threats of mass sackings.

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan cut South Africa's GDP forecast for the year to 2.5 percent from 2.7 percent and said it would take the government some time to determine the full impact of the mining strife on growth.

"Declining mining output and the spread of strike activity has depressed activity in related industries including manufacturing, logistics and services, with negative consequences for GDP," the Treasury said in its interim budget policy statement.

In the year to August, mining output fell by 3.3 percent, with production of platinum group metals 15.3 percent lower, although strong iron ore demand from China helped offset some of the decline in the platinum, gold and coal sectors, it added.

Amplats on Thursday cut its full-year production target and capital expenditure plans after revealing that the walkouts had sliced 138,000 ounces off output, $217 million at today's price.


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, Syrian Archbishop Of Aleppo Says ...

NEW YORK -- Saying that his people are "suffering day and night" and don't see "any light at the end of this tunnel," the Syrian Orthodox Archbishop of Aleppo, Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, visited The Huffington Post on Thursday to offer his take on solutions to the ongoing violence in his nation.

Ibrahim, who leads Orthodox Christians in the Syria's largest city, has been visiting the U.S. and other nations recently to appeal for humanitarian aid and for international diplomacy to curtail and stop civil unrest in Syria where Christians make up about 10 percent of the 22 million majority-Muslim population.

The conflict in Syria, which has led to tens of thousands of deaths, arose after a government crackdown on democratic demonstrations that began in 2011 during Arab Spring. The war is a fight mainly between the regime's army, led by President Bashar al-Assad, and those who want to overthrow it, the Free Syrian Army. The government is dominated by Alawites, a Shia sect, while the opposition is controlled by Sunnis. Caught in between are the nation's Christians, who the government has attempted to win to its side by saying that they will not be supported under the opposition.

"The main important thing is than Syria cannot remain as it is not because it is an important country in the Middle East and if no solution comes to Syria, it might bring a very sad event for the whole region. My mission and my plea will be the importance of having a concrete comprehensive plan for the future," said Ibrahim in a meeting with HuffPost Religion. "What we need is security, stability, prosperity, peace fraternity, this is what we need because we come from different religions and all the teachings of these religions are pushing us to do something for the benefit of human beings."

On Thursday, rebels took control of key areas in Aleppo, a battleground city that is near Turkey, and the Syrian government agreed to a four-day ceasefire in observance of the Islamic holiday of Eid-al-Adha. On Tuesday, meanwhile, the Vatican announced that it had delayed the trip of bishops to the region to try to promote peace, including New York Archbishop Dolan. The group's visit has not yet been rescheduled.

"We have to be sure this is accepted by the parties, not only the government," Ibrahim said about the ceasefire, which is supposed to begin Friday. "Yesterday, (rebels) occupied the complex where I have a school, it means they are not far from the city center."

While strife between religious groups is taking place, the archbishop stressed that he believes most Syrians believe in peace between religious and freedom of religion. Violence and suppression of religious freedom are "not the teachings of religion, it is the interpretation of religion which sometimes comes from fanatics, closed minds or ignorance and we have it. We have to acknowledge from both sides we have those who cannot really see what are the depths of religion concerning peace and coexistence," he said.

"If you take the Qur?an, take the gospel, you will not see something that says to do something against the others. It's all from peace and tranquility of the human beings," he added.

That said, Ibrahim said he is praying that his city does not fall in entirety to the rebel forces.

"Aleppo is the second more important city in Syria....If you go now out of Aleppo from each from it is occupied by the Free Syrian Army. This is something that has to do with the whole future of the district. Now they are planning to capture the citizens, which is important. Now, after that everything will be collapsed," he said. "You will not find the government, you will not find anything there, and they will go in and control it. That will bring many sad things for the future."

When and if the conflict ends, the archbishop said he believes one of the most important points of agreements between different sides will need to be over preserving the nation's religious diversity.

"The energy, the goodwill, the efforts of the all the Syrians coming from different backgrounds will help very much to rebuild Syria..Syria is not Iraq, is not Egypt, is not Libya. Those who are against any future are very tiny, very small number," he said."The coming constitution should mention all the rights of the religions. It should contain an opportunity to act in a positive way for all society. And remember we are a very religious society...I think religion can play in a very positive way in the future of Syria.

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Website Marketing Tips That Can Help Any Business | Eric Chua - First

Web marketing is a very useful business tool. The Internet offers a variety of ways to advertise your business and attract new customers. The bulk of internet promotion methods are cheap and yet highly successful, making implementing them into your strategies simple. This article will assist you in marketing online and help to boost your business to the next level.

Make sure that your slogan and mission statement are visible on your site. This will let people know exactly who you are and help them to remember you. If you wish to highlight your product or services, this is a smart idea.

Offer a discount or organize a contest to generate some attention. This will create an interest in tour company and draw many first time customers who may evolve into long term customers. While on your website, additional products could also end up being bought. Be confident with your product!

TIP! Consider creating a glossary if you want your readers to consider you an expert in your field. Customers will find these terms helpful and gain a better understanding of your products as a result.

You should keep an eye on your competitor?s strategies and learn from both their successes and failures. If you look at their product with interest, then you will know that they have used good advertising and marketing strategies. Figure out what they did and borrow it for your own campaigns!

Be sure that you keep very detailed statistics. Record your referrals, refunds, sales, traffic, etc. Maintaining detailed analysis of your customers and their purchase habits helps you becomes a better marketer because you see everything that works and what doesn?t.

Typically, the average consumer will not believe everything that you say in advertisements. This is because for many years, people have been bombarded with advertising that is misleading or flat out lies. Consequently, you need to offer evidence for everything you say on your website. Offer plenty of product reviews, along with testimonials and test reports. Be honest about your products, any affiliates and industry information. Your customers are not stupid, so don?t treat them like they are. Avoid deceptive marketing at all costs. You will get a great reputation and gain customers to do business with for a long time.

TIP! Provide something really unique on your website. This will allow you to market your services to a specific group of people.

Ponder what strategies you will use to promote your site. You could for instance write articles for blogs or online magazines, list your business in online directories or share your content on social networks. You can attract visitors to your website in many different ways. You need to get creative.

Entice customers away from competitor?s websites by giving them something inexpensive, but new and different. Content can include cartoons, e-books or even chat sessions. Offering something that is not readily available gives you an advantage.

Taking others? ideas is not a good way to become prosperous from Online marketing. Search engine filters are becoming ever more proficient at locating redundant content. Plagiarized content may help you one day and hurt you the next. Be innovative.

TIP! People will give you more respect if you use a proper title. If you own your company, you?re now the CEO! If you are not the owner of the business, grant yourself a different title that signifies power and authority.

Support a charity. Choose a charity that your customers would likely support, and tell them that a percentage of your profit is going to that charity. Not only will this improve your image, the charity will give you free advertising. You can also support multiple charities and allow your customers to choose which charity they prefer to support.

Offer your customers a place on your website to post reviews, ask questions and interact. User reviews can help boost sales as well as increase your online presence.

Pay attention to even the small things when designing your website online. Your site?s title and description should be on every page. Visitors are going to land on various pages of your site according to different searches that they do, and if they aren?t able to figure out your site, they usually leave immediately.

TIP! On your page, make use of descriptive words. Use adjectives liberally in your descriptions.

As has been revealed earlier, web marketing is an amazing way to reach out to customers and to bring attention to your business and products. The opportunities are endless and the benefits are immense. By utilizing the information in the article, you can build your customer base and bring new recognition to your company.

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GSBI Business Plans Presentations: Is Targeted Education Part of ...

GSBI 10th Anniversary logo - Image credit: GSBIOn August 23th, in Santa Clara, California, I attended business plan presentations of 19 competitively selected social entrepreneurs, who delivered their pitches to a panel of experienced professionals plus a general audience. These presentations marked the culmination of the 10th annual Global Social Benefit Incubator (GSBI?) program organized by Santa Clara University. The Development Marketplace has been one of its partners since its beginning. The program includes intensive work by each entrepreneur with two to three designated mentors, and a series of on-campus classes. Its main objective is to strengthen material that each entrepreneur already has available, refine their business models and develop professional organizational documentation that can be presented to attract investors.

The current cohort of social entrepreneurs are scattered all over the world and hail from countries such as Haiti, Mexico, Pakistan, India, Rwanda, and Ethiopia. Each organization is testing concrete solutions to address critical needs such as access to clean water, increase literacy, access to the financial system, and access to affordable health care. Other projects are focused on developing innovative approaches in fields such as solar lightning, efficient cookstoves, and mobile technology to collect data.

Backpack Farm (GSBI ?12). Problem:? poor nutrition in Africa. Solution: all-in-one backpack comprising green agri-tech inputs needed by smallholder farmers to standardize both the quality and quantity of agriculture production and generate income for their family.

Why is a program such as this relevant? First and foremost, these projects are implementing solutions that reach a considerable number of beneficiaries at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP). Furthermore, they are positioned to absorb additional capital to scale their projects or replicate them in different locations to reach a much larger number of beneficiaries. But ultimately the GSBI addresses an important aspect of the solution to an easy to enunciate but hard to solve problem: the lack of adequate flow of capital (both commercial and philanthropic) from funders to social entrepreneurs. This is effectively a key barrier for social enterprises, but targeted technical assistance and education can play a role in reducing this barrier.

Through our own work with social entrepreneurs as part of Development Marketplace, we have consistently observed that in most cases there is a very big difference between a good idea and solid execution. An overwhelming majority of the social entrepreneurs lack the necessary preparation to successfully engage potential investors in funding conversations. As Aleem Walji, the Director of the World Bank?s Innovation Labs Department (who oversees the management of the DM) said in a previous post titled It?s a Capital (plus Advisory) Problem not a Pipeline Problem:

??limited access to capital and targeted technical assistance (in areas like financial management, human resources, and governance) constrains these enterprises from growing, realizing their full potential, and moving from ?small to significant?. Many of these enterprises require small amounts of money and large amounts of hand-holding.?

The influence that targeted technical assistance and education can thus have to help unlock further capital cannot be dismissed and it is a hypothesis that we at the DM are testing and documenting. This is the critical gap that the GSBI Program attempts to address, and it is providing initial evidence of its success.

Customer Keeper (GSBI ?12). Problem: poor information management. Solution: helps sellers of household energy products to collect detailed customer information using standard mobile phones and generates frequently used aggregate statistics.

The impact investing space is currently quite active in facilitating conversations around these topics, but there have not been enough result-oriented initiatives to position social enterprises to achieve both development impact and financial sustainability. In this context it is refreshing to see the concrete results achieved by the social enterprises that participated on the GSBI program. For the 2012 cohort?s entrepreneurs these results include being now armed with a vetted business plan and operational plan fully analyzed and ready to be shared and implemented; a presentation pitch already tested in front of a relevant audience; and invaluable connections to a network of practitioners, collaborators, and funders. But the final results are even more ambitious: the new skills acquired by the entrepreneurs will likely be shared with other colleagues thus expanding the reach of this newly acquired knowledge and its implementation benefits. Moreover, if the entrepreneurs are successful in scaling up their business models and attracting growth capital, substantial funds will flow to socially valuable projects in developing countries, and this capital will be working towards providing its BoP beneficiaries increasing access to goods and services to meet their basic needs.?

For more information about GSBI, click here.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wii U - gaming of the gamepad screen | - UK Online



thanks for that. So with a thin ceiling between me an the Wii u, it should be find for upstairs play. I wonder if you can turn the console on/off from the gamepad as well, I guess you could ?

This is now looking quite tempting. I've got a very active set of twins, so I play games in short bursts when I can, and not always in the living room, so being able to play console quality games on a handheld device which actually has physical controls is perhaps a winner.



Although the pad is connected via Bluetooth to the console, it's not known 100% if it will work through walls or ceiling at that distance - having said that, my PS3 controller is Bluetooth and travels through walls at a fair distance so I reckon you'll be fine with the Wii U pad. I did read somewhere that the range is about 28 feet but don't quote me on that.

The pad can be used as a TV controller too but many think that this feature will use the infrared side to do that - unfortunately, infrared won't travel through walls.

Like safcalibur said, you need the console on to work the pad - am I right in thinking that you want to turn the console off from the pad when you've finished your gaming? if so, nobody's sure about that until we get our hands on it.

You'll have to act quickly if you want one at launch as stock is running out - it launches 18th November in the US and no doubt a lot of questions will be answered by then. Good luck.

Last edited by Tazbot; Today at 9:57 AM.


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Recording Your Calls for Sales Training and Self-Improvement Call ...

Recording Your Calls for Sales Training and Self-Improvement Call ?

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Hormone boost lets mice live longer without fasting

Talk about having your cake and eating it. Fasting might not be the only route to a longer life ? a hormone seems to work just as well, for mice at least.

We know that some animals can extend their lifespan by consuming fewer calories. Engineered mice can get the same effect by simply pumping out high levels of a hormone normally produced during a fast, according to Steven Kliewer and David Mangelsdorf at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

Their team found that mice engineered to make higher levels of the hormone, FGF21, increased their lifespan on average by over a third.

"What we are seeing is the benefit of caloric restriction without having to diet," he says.

Humans have the hormone too, and Kliewer believes FGF21 has the potential to extend the human "health-span" ? the time we live healthy lives.

The researchers believe FGF21 may act to prolong life by affecting pathways such as the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) pathway implicated in ageing.

"It blocks growth hormones promoting pathways which are associated with diseases, including cancers and metabolic diseases, and as a consequence these animals live longer," says Kliewer.

The results are intriguing as FGF21 is already being tried in clinical trials for treating metabolic disease, he says. "So it's potentially a pharmaceutical that will be out there and people will have access to it."

Journal reference: eLife,

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EQ - just EQ - DIYMA Car Audio Forum

Yes, like I said, you need a *pair*, you'll see they're always sold in pairs when they pass by on the used-market...

I have 2 pairs myself, will be using 3 of them for left, center and right mid+high, but this is just 1 rare situation where an uneven number of these units comes in handy...

Because with EQT's, you use completely seperated devices for left and right, channel separation stays as good as the rest of the system allows, and off-course you have total independant EQ left and right...



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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Construction begins in the River Market for the Arcade Building ...

LITTLE ROCK, AR - Ground was officially broken for a new, mixed-use building in Little Rock?s dynamic River Market District, according to a release.

The building, which will be known as the ?ARCADE BUILDING?, is a three-story, 60,000 square foot structure to contain retail space, a 325 seat theatre, a restaurant and office space.

The project is a joint venture between the Central Arkansas Library System and Moses Tucker Real Estate. The Arcade obtained construction financing from First Security Bank. Construction services will be handled by Clark Contractors and Central Construction Group. The building is due to be complete by November 2013.

?The name ?Arcade? is in honor of a landmark structure that once resided in downtown LR on Center Street between 6th & 7th, according to Jimmy Moses, partner with MTRE.

?As we continue to redevelop our urban core, we think it is important to evoke memories of our city?s past, too much of which has been destroyed over time,? Moses said.

The building?s largest user is CALS, which will have a ?state-of-the-art? movie theatre and additional archival space.

?We have worked out an agreement with the Little Rock Film Festival (and its Institute) to be the host facility for the nationally acclaimed Little Rock Film Festival,? CALS director Bobby Roberts said. ?We will also make the theatre available for events including the Clinton School Speaker Series, CALS Literary Festival and other public functions.?

Co-founder of the Little Rock Film Festival Craig Renaud said the festival will relocate its offices to the building?s third floor.

?Since our founding six years ago The Little Rock Film Festival has gained a critical reputation as one of the top film events in the United States. A grand flagship theater to call home in the middle of downtown Little Rock has been our goal since day one,? Renaud said. ?We are proud and excited to base our rapidly expanding year round festival events in the new venue, which will rival any in the country.? The Little Rock Film Festival also plans to offer an educational program to young Arkansas film-makers.

The $17 million development will be home to several entities including a bar/restaurant to be called CACHE that will be owned and operated by RH Cuisine. Situated on the corner of Clinton Avenue and River Market Avenue, with space on the 1st and 2nd floors, CACHE will be a dramatic new food and beverage concept for Little Rock. Payne Harding, who trained at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, will be involved in every facet of the restaurant. He has recently been instrumental in the rebirth of 1620 Savoy in west Little Rock.

The restaurant is being designed by the nationally renowned restaurant design firm Johnson Studio of Atlanta. The restaurant will feature continental fare with an Italian/French influence.
It is scheduled to open late fall of 2013.

The building?s largest office user will be Meadors Adams & Lee, a 103 year old independent insurance agency that will expand to over 10,000 square feet in the building. ?We have always been located in downtown Little Rock,? said Roberts Lee, Partner with Meadors Adams & Lee Insurance. ?As our company continues to grow, we are pleased to partner with MTRE and CALS in bringing this exciting new project to downtown.?

In addition to Meadors Adams & Lee, other new office tenants will include the building?s architect, AMR Architects and the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service. According to Dean Skip Rutherford, the Clinton School, which has space in the adjacent Arkansas Studies Institute building, will be adding a classroom equipped for distance learning and a multi-purpose room to accommodate its expanding enrollment.

The building developer, Moses Tucker Real Estate, is led by Rett Tucker and Jimmy Moses. ?We are starting our third project downtown this year,? Tucker stated. ?The company remains very committed to expanding the offerings in the urban core.? ?We like to build mixed-use,? said Jimmy Moses, ?as it provides creative activity on a 24/7 basis.?


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FedEx will add 20,000 workers for busy holiday season

FedEx predicts it will ship 280 million packages between Thanksgiving and Christmas. To handle the surge, FedEx will hire 20,000 additional seasonal workers ? the same as last year.?

By Samantha Bomkamp,?AP Transportation writer / October 22, 2012

FedEx workers unload planes at the Memphis International hub earlier this month. FedEx will swell by 20,000 workers to keep pace with increased shipping during the holidays.

Jim Weber/The Commercial Appeal/AP/File


FedEx?expects to ship 280 million packages between Thanksgiving and Christmas, up 13 percent from a year ago, thanks to consumers' growing fondness for shopping online.

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FedEx?moves a bulk of its cheaper, lighter weight shipments from online and catalog retailers through its SmartPost service, a partnership with the U.S. Postal Service.

The forecast, released Monday, comes against a background of lackluster growth in the global economy.

The Memphis, Tenn., expects Dec. 10 to be its busiest day with 19 million shipments, up 10 percent from 2011.?FedEx?Corp. said holiday shipments will be driven by sales of personal electronics, apparel, luxury goods and items from large internet retailers.

Larger rival UPS, which is based in Atlanta, hasn't yet released its holiday forecast.

The National Retail Federation expects holiday sales to increase 4.1 percent. That would be the smallest increase since 2009 when sales were up just 0.3 percent. But the forecast still is higher than the 3.5 percent average over the last 10 years. Research firm eMarketer forecasts online holiday sales will grow 16.8 percent, excluding travel purchases.

FedEx?and UPS Inc. can get double the benefit when consumers choose to shop online: They ship the gift to the receiver, and they also ship the unwanted presents that are later returned.

FedEx?SmartPost has been a huge driver of growth for the company since it was formed. Average daily package volume grew 18 percent in the fiscal first quarter ended in August, more than three times the growth rate of?FedEx's?overall ground shipments in the U.S. The ground segment, which moves mostly non-priority shipments by truck, has held up despite slower growth around the globe as consumers and businesses opt for slower methods of shipping to save money.

FedEx?plans to hire 20,000 seasonal?workers?to help handle the surge ? the same as last year.

Overall,?FedEx?has warned that the global economy is stalling and expects conditions to get worse next year. It's making big cuts in the segments that have been the hardest hit, including its Express unit that moves top-priority shipments by air.


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How to Use Keywords to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog | The ...

Not long ago, Lee Oden wrote a book called Optimize: How to Attract and Engage More Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing (affiliate link). It?s a top-notch book that?s packed with a variety of terrific tips on how to use digital media to grow your sales and revenues.

One of the areas that Lee focuses on is blogging. What follows is an excerpt from his book that provides tips on using keywords to drive more traffic to your blog. Enjoy the excerpt. And if you like this sample, be sure to check out Lee?s book.

Blogs are one of the most powerful publishing platforms that integrate the best of SEO, content marketing, and social media optimization.? Comments, social shares, and integration with offsite social websites create compelling opportunities to engage readers and build a community.

Blog software such as WordPress makes it incredibly easy to organize content in a search- and social media-friendly way.? From the blog name and tagline to categories, posts titles, and tags, there are abundant opportunities to provide readers and search engines with clear signals on what your content is all about.

Effective business blogging requires a commitment and a plan.? After personally blogging for more than eight years, I can tell you it has been both challenging and rewarding, with the benefits far outweighing the costs in time and effort.? Not only has blogging and search visibility of our agency blog resulted in numerous consulting engagements, speaking gigs, media coverage, and new employees, but it has led me to writing this book.? Making it easy to discover your blog content through search and social media can have an incredible impact on your business, just as it did with mine.

Since keywords represent our attempt to empathize with customer interests through stories about our solutions, here?s a hit list for keyword placement with blogging.? You?ll notice some similarities with some of the optimization principles we discussed earlier in the chapter.

  • Blog name:? It?s more important to have a memorable blog name than a keyword-rich blog name.? If you can do both, it?s a bonus.
  • Blog tagline:? This text may be very similar to your meta description tag and offers a good opportunity to use the most important keyword phrase that is relevant for your?overall blog.
  • Logo alt text:? The name of your blog, or the single most important keyword phrase, is appropriate here.
  • Post titles:? Blog post title tags should be written for search engines using the most important keyword first.? The on-page title should be written for readers and to inspire social shares.? For example,
    - Title Tag:? Kindle Fire Cases:? 5 Reviews of Leather, Fabric & Plastic Cases for the Kindle Fire
    - On-page Title:? All New Kindle Fire Case Reviews!? Find Out Which One Was Rated the Best
  • Categories:? Going by the top-level topics and target keywords in your content plan, create relevantly named categories.
  • Body copy:? Going by your content plan, write blog posts intentionally designed to focus on specific topics.? You may want to use a more free-form style for train-of-thought posts, but consider the topics of interest to your target audience.? Use keywords as a guide, not a mandate, for blog writing.? In the end, your blog posts should not look ?optimized,? just clear and easy to understand.? Remember, you?re writing and optimizing for customers first, then search engines.
  • Lists:? Sidebar lists of other blogs, popular posts, popular comments, and similar information can be helpful for adding keyword representation to your template.
  • Anchor text links:? Use keywords when linking from one blog post to another.? If the post you?re writing links to another web page or a previous blog post, the text used in that link should reflect the topic of the destination.? For example, a blog post about widgets that links to another post about red widgets should use ?red widgets? as the anchor text.? If the page about red widgets is properly optimized, it will use ?red widgets? in the title tag, on-page title, image alt text, and body copy.
  • Tags:? Not all blogs use tags.? Some use categories instead of tags and some use tags in addition to categories.? Tags represent a folksonomy of content organization for finding past blog posts.? The usefulness of tags essentially equates to keywords.? If a category of ?widget reviews? is selected, the more specific ?fabric widgets,? ?leather widgets,? and ?plastic widgets? might be the appropriate tags to use.
  • Image alt text:? Including images with a blog post is almost always a good idea.? Images are powerful metaphors or complements to the text content and can also provide an opportunity to optimize.? Alt text for an image should be specific to the image or to the most important keyword phrase for the blog post.? Focus on specifics, and do not ?stuff? multiple phrases or you?ll simply dilute the impact.


Excerpted from Optimize: How to Attract and Engage More Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing by Lee Odden.? Copyright (c) 2012 by Lee Odden. This book is available at all bookstores and online booksellers.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Offsetting global warming: Targeting solar geoengineering to minimize risk and inequality

ScienceDaily (Oct. 21, 2012) ? A new study suggests that solar geoengineering can be tailored to reduce inequality or to manage specific risks like the loss of Arctic sea ice. By tailoring geoengineering efforts by region and by need, a new model promises to maximize the effectiveness of solar radiation management while mitigating its potential side effects and risks.

Developed by a team of leading researchers, the study was published in the November issue of Nature Climate Change.

Solar geoengineering, the goal of which is to offset the global warming caused by greenhouse gases, involves reflecting sunlight back into space. By increasing the concentrations of aerosols in the stratosphere or by creating low-altitude marine clouds, the as-yet hypothetical solar geoengineering projects would scatter incoming solar heat away from Earth's surface.

Critics of geoengineering have long warned that such a global intervention would have unequal effects around the world and could result in unforeseen consequences. They argue that the potential gains may not be worth the risk.

Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School. "Instead, we can be thoughtful about various tradeoffs to achieve more selective results, such as the trade-off between minimizing global climate changes and minimizing residual changes at the worst-off location."

The study -- developed in collaboration with Douglas G. MacMartin of the California Institute of Technology, Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution for Science, and Ben Kravitz, formerly of Carnegie and now at the Department of Energy -- explores the feasibility of using solar geoengineering to counter the loss of Arctic sea ice.

"There has been a lot of loose talk about region-specific climate modification. By contrast, our research uses a more systematic approach to understand how geoengineering might be used to limit a specific impact. We found that tailored solar geoengineering might limit Arctic sea ice loss with several times less total solar shading than would be needed in a uniform case."

Generally speaking, greenhouse gases tend to suppress precipitation, and an offsetting reduction in the amount of sunlight absorbed by Earth would not restore this precipitation. Both greenhouse gases and aerosols affect the distribution of heat and rain on this planet, but they change the temperature and precipitation in different ways in different places. The researchers suggest that varying the amount of sunlight deflected away from Earth both regionally and seasonally could combat some of this problem.

"These results indicate that varying geoengineering efforts by region and over different periods of time could potentially improve the effectiveness of solar geoengineering and reduce climate impacts in at-risk areas," says co-author Ken Caldeira, Senior Scientist in the Department of Global Ecology at the Carnegie Institution for Science.

The researchers note that while their study used a state-of-the-art model, any real-world estimates of the possible impact of solar radiation management would need to take into account various uncertainties. Further, any interference in Earth's climate system, whether intentional or unintentional, is likely to produce unanticipated outcomes.

"While more work needs to be done, we have a strong model that indicates that solar geoengineering might be used in a far more nuanced manner than the uniform one-size-fits-all implementation that is often assumed. One might say that one need not think of it as a single global thermostat. This gives us hope that if we ever do need to implement engineered solutions to combat global warming, that we would do so with a bit more confidence and a great ability to test it and control it."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Harvard University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Douglas G. MacMartin, David W. Keith, Ben Kravitz, Ken Caldeira. Management of trade-offs in geoengineering through optimal choice of non-uniformradiative forcing. Nature Climate Change, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nclimate1722

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Zito deals zeroes, keeps SF alive

Giants starter shuts Cards down 5-0, keeps S.F. alive for NLCS Game 6

Image: The Giants' Barry ZitoAP

Giants starting pitcher Barry Zito pitched 7 2/3?shutout innings.

Associated Press Sports

updated 2:24 p.m. ET Oct. 20, 2012

ST. LOUIS - The San Francisco Giants stayed alive in the National League Championship Series with a 5-0 win over the St. Louis Cardinals on Friday, cutting the series deficit to 3-2 thanks mostly to a commanding pitching performance by Barry Zito.

Zito used his precise placement and canny pitch selection to hold the Cardinals scoreless for 7 2-3 innings, putting the series back on an almost even keel as it returns to San Francisco for the last two games.

Zito looked like the same guy who won the 2002 AL Cy Young award with the Oakland Athletics. He retired 11 batters in a row in one stretch while finishing with six strikeouts.

It was Zito's first postseason win since 2006, shortly before he left the A's and signed a $126 million, seven-year contract with San Francisco.

"A lot of people were saying stuff about A's days," Zito said. "And for me, the most important thing is doing everything for San Francisco right now."

Zito was left off the postseason roster when the Giants won the 2010 World Series because he had pitched so ineffectively. He started Game 4 of the division series against the Cincinnati Reds earlier in this year's playoffs and lasted only 2 2-3 innings.

"I couldn't be happier for him," manager Bruce Bochy said. "He had it all going. He put on quite a show."

The Giants scored four runs in the fourth inning when the defending champion Cardinals might have literally thrown away a chance to clinch a second straight World Series trip.

On a forceout, pitcher Lance Lynn spun around and threw to second base in the hope of turning a double play, but his low throw deflected off the bag and into shallow right field, allowing one run to score on the play.

With two outs and a full count, Brandon Crawford singled up the middle with the bases loaded. Lynn narrowly missed stopping the ball with his foot, and two more runs scored.

Zito, who has just 30 career hits and nine RBIs, made it 10 runs batted in when he laid down a perfect bunt for a fourth run of the inning, all stemming from Lynn's throwing error.

"I don't mind him being aggressive if he's got the play," manager Mike Matheny said. "(Shortstop Pete) Kozma was in the right place, he just made a low throw.

"And to do it over again, I'm sure he'd like to take the easy out at first base."

The Giants have won Zito's past 13 starts and are averaging more than six runs a game during the streak, although the lefty didn't need much help in this one.

The Cardinals are seeking consecutive pennants for the first time since 1967-68, and trying to advance to the World Series for the second year in a row as a wild-card entry. One more win would set up a rematch of the 2006 World Series against the Detroit Tigers, which the Cardinals took in five games.

Lynn, an 18-game winner his first year in the rotation, failed to make it out of the fourth for the second time in the series.

Lynn struck out five of the first 10 batters, sailing through the first three innings with no balls hit out of the infield, only to let himself down in the fourth.

The Cardinals best chance came in the second inning when Yadier Molina and David Freese - both swinging on the first pitch - opened the inning with a single and double, getting runners on second and third with no outs. However Lynn, a career .056 hitter, hit into a bases-loaded double play to end the threat.

Pablo Sandoval made it 5-0 in the eighth with a homer just inside the foul pole in right field; his second homer in as many nights.

Game 6 is on Sunday, with Ryan Vogelsong pitching for the Giants against Chris Carpenter.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


More newsGetty Images
Giants, Cards prepare for Game 6

HBT: St. Louis, with Chris Carpenter on the mound, hopes to close out the NLCS on Sunday when the series moves to S.F. Ryan Vogelsong will get the start for the Giants.

Getty Images


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Success To small Business: Marketing Success for Small Business ...

Small business marketing success has gone full circle. Several decades ago people did business only with other businesses in their town or nearby city. Word of mouth marketing was prevalent and most helpful. But small businesses longed for a way to have a larger reach.

By mid-1995 or so, it looked like small businesses had been handed the best present they could ever receive and that was the emergence of the internet. I write from the heart about this as my destination/business was one of the early adopters of the internet and suddenly we were able to successfully compete with other destinations. Compete not just in our state but globally as well. We were able to "market to the masses" and we made the most of the opportunities the internet presented us with. The internet truly has been a gift to small business - it leveled the playing field and for those who embraced it, the rewards were fantastic.

But everything in life is cyclical. After years of marketing to everyone suddenly "local marketing" is back front and center. Through social media marketing small businesses can now narrow their focus; they can target their specific niche. When done properly, social media marketing can provide a fantastic option to spending large amounts of money via traditional marketing methods. And, it can provide a wonderful increase in business too! (Again, I know this as this is exactly what happened with my social media marketing experience).

Have you spent time learning about local online marketing? Are you connecting with your customers the way they want to connect with you? Are you connecting via search engines and directories? Are you ready for the shift back to local marketing with the new "word of mouth" being social media outlets?

Are you ready for more business? Because that's exactly what will happen if you embrace social media and local online marketing.


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Biker Friendly Bars & Saloons ? Kansas - My Harley Boots

Image for Kansas Biker Friendly Bars, Saloons & Hangouts
Check out these suggestions for bars, hangouts and saloons in Kansas that are biker friendly. Ride on!

Timbuktu Bar & Grill, Andover KS

About this hangout:
Known for the ?Best Burgers in the World? for 25 years. Local watering hole, friendly team to serve you. Cold beer served in a frosty Mason jar mug. Open-sky patio with misters to keep cool. Poker Runs welcome. Everyday is a special day at Timbuktu. Website:

General Directions:
From Andover Turnpike exit head west 2 miles to Andover Road and 21st street. Turn south and watch for the first stop light at 13th and Andover Road. Timbuktu is on the southwest corner. From Highway 54 and Andover Road head north to 13th street and look to the west.

Speedway Bar & Grill, Bonner Springs, KS

About this hangout:
Daily Drink Specials! Tuesday-$2 you-call-its! Lunch and dinner specials. Many rides have come thru these doors.

General Directions:
On K-32 Hwy. between I-435 and K-7 in Bonner Springs, KS.

The Corner Bar & Grill, Cawker City, KS

About this hangout:
Small beer bar with food and frosty mugs for beer! Sit out on the patio or shoot pool inside. You can even get bait to go fishin? in the lake and there?s free camping available at a local city park right on the water (at the lake?s edge).

General Directions:
Right on old Hwy 24, a block from the world?s largest ball of twine. Great ride thru rural Kansas.

5th Wheel Tavern, Fort Scott, KS

About this hangout:
No special events unless a regular has a birthday, then free food. Bikers, cowboys, truckers, tuckpointers all welcome. Beer only but plenty of shaded parking with room for bikes, stock trailers and semis.

General Directions:
Located on the south side of Fort Scott, KS. (In Belltown, just before you get to the sale barn.)

Loose Brick Saloon, Halstead, KS

About this hangout:
Great food and ice cold beer. Very biker friendly: the owner rides her own.

General Directions:
On Main Street in Halstead, KS. It ain?t that big of a town so you should find this joint no problem.

Full Throttle Lounge, Haysville, KS

About this hangout:
Great biker bar opened by two young bikers looking for a place to hang out and have a good time (aren?t we all?)! Ice cold beer and cheap drinks, too. Bike parking enforced. Great rock on the juke box and live entertainment most weekends! Come see us and party!

General Directions:
We are at 71st and Broadway S. for you locals ? For the outta towners- we are about one mile east of the turnpike (Haysville/Derby exit) thru the light on the SE corner behind the Subway.

The Jolly Troll, Holton, KS

About this hangout:
Great bar with live music every Monday, Friday and Saturday. Occasional music nights during the week. Texas Holdem? on Tuesday nights and pool tournament on Thursday nights. See our schedule or contact us anytime at our website or phone. Beer is $1.50 for 12 oz. draws, Headaches for $4, Bottles $2.50 domestic, $3 imported. Mixed drinks start at $3.50 to Top Shelf liquors for $6. Come by early and enjoy some fine eating,

General Directions:
Located at 21650 US Highway 75, 24.5 miles north of the US Highway 24/Highway 75 ramp, about a mile south of Holton, on the east side of the highway. The building also houses the Holton Bowling Center. MySpace page: Phone: 785-364-5000.

Danny?s Bar and Grill, Kansas City, KS

About this hangout:
Bike Night every Tuesday, with live music, 50-cent tacos and great drink specials. Exclusive bike parking that?s overlooked by the huge patio.

General Directions:
Take I-435 N to Parallel W. and it?s on the corner of 110th & Parallel.

Lonestar Steakhouse, Kansas City, KS

About this hangout:
Drink and food special every Monday night. Separate bike parking area.

General Directions:
The Lonestar is next to Cabella?s and the Kansas city Speedway at I-435 and State Avenue in Kansas City, KS.

The 1005 Club, Kansas City, KS

About this hangout:
The 1005 is a small drinking establishment with colorful patrons. Pool rules: bank the 8 ball & if ya drop the 8 on the first shot or your competitor has 7 of his balls left on the table, he?s gotta drop his drawers & run around the table.

General Directions:
Take I-70 to the 18th St. Expressway southbound to Kansas Avenue eastbound to 12th St. Go right to Osage Ave. 1005 Osage Ave., KC, KS.

Cozy Inn, La Crosse, KS

About this hangout:
The Cozy Inn?s a nice, down home bar that?s run by a great old-time biker lady, so it?s plenty biker friendly.

General Directions:
On Hwy 183 just south of K-4 (20 miles south of I-70 on K-183).

Slow Ride Roadhouse, Lawrence, KS

About this hangout:
There?s usually over 100 bikes at the Slow Ride on weekends, and this is the place where many rides and poker runs begin and end. Seventy-five cent tacos on Sundays. Live music several days a week. Come check it out.

General Directions:
1350 N. 3rd Street. About a quarter-mile north of I-70 turnpike near the intersections of Hwys 24 and 40, two miles north of downtown Lawrence.

Cyclone, Leavenworth, KS

About this hangout:
It?s the local watering hole. Beer, liquor, pool, darts, bands on Friday& Sat. Muscian?s sit in every other Thursday. Open 7 days a week.

General Directions:
Take I-70 to North K-7/73 to Leavenworth to Cheerokee St. and go west two blocks to 610 Cherokee.

R.C. McGraw?s, Manhattan, KS

About this hangout:
Good people, cold beer and no cover charge unless there is a band. Very biker friendly: if you don?t mind answering a few tech questions about what you rode in on.

General Directions:
On Hwy 24 towards Tuttle Creek State Park.

Sportsman Bar & Grill, Marysville, KS

About this hangout:
Biker & trucker-friendly place. Burgers, beer, rock & roll music and pool tables.

General Directions:
Located on U.S. 36, 3 miles east of U.S. 77 on the south side of the highway.

Mike?s Sports Bar, Medicine Lodge, KS

About this hangout:
Very biker friendly. Try the Buffalo sandwich plate.

General Directions:
Mike?s is at the junction of Hwy 160 and Hwy 281 in south central (Medicine Lodge) Kansas.

Harleywoods Bar and Bar-B-Que, Mission, KS

About this hangout:
Excellent BBQ joint with beef brisket, ribs, smoked pork and a butt-kickin? sliced Italian sausage. Full service bar. Has a night club part that seats about 400, with live classic rock on Friday and Saturdays and some national acts from time to time.(Molly Hatchet, Guess Who, Dr. Hook etc.)

General Directions:
5908 Outlook, Mission, Kansas (a cental suburb of Kansas City). East of I-35 off Johnson Drive about 2 miles in Johnson County, Kansas.

Crossroads Tavern, Olathe, KS

About this hangout:
Biker video cam on the parking lot and large window lets you keep an eye on bikes while in the bar. Bike night on Thursday nights with drink specials. Supports all bike runs. Great place and great people!

General Directions:
I-35 to Olathe ? Santa Fe Exit. Head west to 1st stop light at Ridgeview and turn left. At the 1st stop sign (Park St) turn left again. Crossroads is right there on the backside of a strip mall.

Brickyard Bar, Olathe, KS

About this hangout:
This is a great little bar. Good atmosphere, big screen TV, patio, lots of poker runs come through here. Owner is a Harley rider. Bike night is Thursday with food and drink specials.

General Directions:
From So.I-35 take Old 56 Hwy West through 2 lights to Weaver St. The Brickyard sits Right on the corner of Dennis & Weaver. There?s a bowling alley and car lot across the street, Shooter?s Bar and 7-11 in the front strip. The Brickyard faces Weaver St.

Dodge City Distillery, Olathe, KS

About this hangout:
Distillery / Restaurant / Bar with patio, bike parking. Bike night every Tuesday with food and drink specials. They make their own vodka, bourbon and white lightning on site and have their own brand of Outlaw Tequila made in Mexico? Smoothest spirits around?.and they cook with them too!

General Directions:
Just east of I-35 and 119th Street. 11935 S. Black Bob Rd. in Olathe, KS.

Shipwreck Tavern, Osawatomie, KS

About this hangout:
We are a biker friendly, full service bar and grill located in historic Osawatomie. We serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Come by and try one of our juicy steaks or hand-breaded pork tenderloins. We have the coldest beer and the friendliest wait staff in the area! Karaoke and live bands every weekend! Security cameras are posted to watch your ride while you relax and have fun inside.

General Directions:

Take 169 Hwy to Plum Creek Rd/Mound City/7 Hwy exit. Head north on Plum Creek (6th St) until you get to Kelly Ave. Take a left on Kelly and we are the 2nd bar on the left. Look for the big, blue building. Website:

The Other Place, Overland Park, KS

About this hangout:
There?s a 1946 Rigid chopper behind the bar. How biker friendly can you get? Great pizza and cold beer with Guinness on tap. Always a game on the TV in the back.

General Directions:
7324 W. 80th St., Overland Park, KS.

Fuel American Made Bar & Grill, Overland Park, KS

About this hangout:
Bike Nite every Thursday with no cover for bikers. Reserved bike parking. Chaps contest. Food & drink specials and free helmet check! BBQ ribs are a specialty. Bar dances on Weekends.

General Directions:
7300 W. 119th Street Overland Park, KS 66213 Tel: (913) 451-0444

Maggie Mae?s, Salina, KS

About this hangout:
Maggie Mae?s is a decades-old biker with plenty of pool, good music and good people. The food is excellent and there are biker functions every week. Good party and rock and roll!

General Directions:
From I-135 take the Crawford exit east to Broadway. Then go north (left) about a half mil to the light at South Street and you?re there. Or, take I-70 to the 9th Street exit and go south. At the light (5 corners) take Broadway (it?s an easy right) for a couple of miles and go over viaduct 9 bridge to South Street.

Kick Start Saloon, Topeka, KS

About this hangout:
This down home biker bar is the unofficial ABATE Headquartes. The owners also run a bike shop and the phone is a hotline for any rider who needs a hand. They sponsor Poker runs throughout the year to benefit hurtin? bikers. The place is rustic around the edges, but warm and friendly. There are bras hanging from the ceiling, pictures of runs and memorialized bros on the wall, and the world?s oldest bike behind glass. There is a large deck to hang out on and Japanese bikes dangle from the tree in back.

General Directions:
On the north side of Topeka, about a block up North Kansas Ave. off of Hwy 24. (See video on this page.)

The Static Bar, Topeka, KS

About this hangout:
A biker friendly, hard rock/metal live music bar. Convenient location, secure parking, state-of-the-art sound and lights, 300+ capacity. Great drinks and friendly customers and staff. Great place to see many national and local live acts.

General Directions:
Just off I-470 on the southwest side of Topeka. One block north of the Fairlawn exit, at 28th Court and Fairlawn, next to the Southwest Bowl. 5423 SW 28th St., Topeka, KS. Phone: 785-783-7221.

River?s Edge, Wichita, KS

About this hangout:
Special Olympics Poker Run (in May), Childrens Toy Run (1st Sunday in November).

General Directions:
Just west of the downtown area adjacent to Lawrence-Dumont Stadium. From Highway 54 (Kellogg) and I-135 go west. Exit at the Seneca St. exit going north. Go north to the 2nd stoplight (Douglas St.), go right until you get to the round-a-bout (can?t miss that) we?re right on the southeast. corner.

These Kansas biker-friendly bars, hangouts and saloons are based on first-hand observations submitted to HD Open Road and on our own readers? recommendations. The next time you?re in the area, go check ?em out. Do you have any suggestions of your own for good places to go in Kansas? Is a listing inaccurate or need to be updated? Leave a comment with enough info on the place and we?ll take care of it!


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