Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Symptoms Of Pregnancy Headache - Ayushveda

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Headache during pregnancyHeadaches usually happen during the early days of pregnancy. Especially during the first trimester, they are more frequent. In fact, they are also signs of pregnancy. These headaches are caused due to hormonal changes. When a woman becomes pregnant, a number of hormonal changes occur inside the body.

During pregnancy, there are changes in the circulation of blood and this causes the pressure inside the walls of blood vessels to increase. Because of this, the body needs more fluid to avoid dehydration. If the body does not get proper amount of fluid, it causes headaches. This is why a pregnant woman is advised to drink twelve glasses of water every day.

Signs Of Headache During Pregnancy

A close look at the symptoms of pregnancy headache ?

Migraine Is Your Culprit

Women become very prone to the problem of migraine and certain food stuffs and stress are responsible for causing this severe headache. It is better to keep a record of such things that cause headache and can even lead to the problem of migraine.

Uneven Headache Pattern

Usually when a woman experiences headaches in her first trimester, this symptom is more likely to get disappeared in the next trimester after the body becomes accustomed to hormonal changes and growth of the baby. If the problem persists, the woman may have developed migraine. In such a case, headache initially starts on a small area then it spreads on to scalp, upper neck and back side.

Sleeplessness In Women

Headaches may be caused by lack of sleep. Therefore, women are supposed to take a 7-8 hour sleep every day. Headaches during pregnancy are not good for the heath of the pregnant woman because they can decrease the sugar level and the glucose content in the body.

Pregnancy headaches

Women who are regular consumers of tea and coffee are more prone to pregnancy headaches. The intake of caffeine becomes a habit for people and if the body does not get it in proper amount, it leaves a headache.

Also Read

Headaches During Pregnancy
Managing Headache During Pregnancy
Headaches During Pregnancy : Causes And Treatment
Get Relief From Headache During Pregnancy

Various Aches In The Body

Quite a few women complain about having headaches in their last trimester. This happens because of the incorrect posture and the increase in baby?s weight. This causes a strain on the spine and neck and leads to headaches. It is advised to sit in a proper posture and walk around for some distance every day so that the body remains exercised. Women may have aches even after using back rests and cushions to sit comfortably.

Assorted problems

In serious cases, the problem of headache is followed by a series of other problems such as weight gain, preeclampsia and blurred vision. Preeclampsia is a condition when pregnant women suffer from very high blood pressure.?This can be very risky for the health of the mother as well as the baby.

During the time of pregnancy, women should visit the doctor for regular checkups. Symptoms like headaches and backaches are the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. These are minor problems but should be handled with utmost care and precautions must be taken so that these problems do not grow further and lead to other troubles. So, check upon the above symptoms of headaches in pregnancy and see if they are applicable to you or not.

Symptoms Of Pregnancy Headache, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Source: https://www.ayushveda.com/magazine/symptoms-of-pregnancy-headache/

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