Thursday, September 6, 2012

Market Samurai Keyword Generator | Virtual Office Center | Social ...

This video demonstrates Market Samurai?s keyword research module.

Video Transcript

I have written blog posts explaining why I think Market Samurai is an excellent tool for Internet marketers. Today I am demonstrating its keyword research module. For this example, I am using top WordPress Plugin as my keyword phrase. After launching Market Samurai, I start a new project, type in my keyword phrase that I am going to research and click the tab key to add my keyword to the title text field. Next, I click browse to save it on my hard drive then select create. On the next page of the module I select keyword research.

To the right of the Google Keyword Tool you will see my email address. This means Market Samurai will pull up to 800 keywords and phrases to analyze. I select the minimum phrase length, for this keyword phrase is three and click generate keywords.

619 keyword phrases are generated. Market Samurai enables me to search for keyword phrases that contain specific keywords as well. I type the keyword in the positive keyword text field, click update and the program would filter out any phrases that didn?t include my positive keywords. If I wanted to remove a keyword from this list I would type the word in the negative keywords text field, click update and the program would remove phrases that contained that keyword. I can also add keywords by typing the word in the add keywords text field and click the add keywords button.

For this example, I am going to continue by clicking keyword analysis. On the next page I use the ?match type field and set it to exact for Market Samurai to give me only the keywords that are typed in the search engines exactly the way they appear in this list. Next I click analyze keywords button for further examination. I now have 9 keyword phrases that are getting traffic in the search engines that I can review.

I am reviewing first the phrase best WordPress. Its results show:

  • SEOT: The column is Search engine optimization traffic and 91 is the number of people that type this keyword phrase into the search engines daily
  • SEOC: This column is the search engine optimization competition and it means there are only 38,300 websites optimized with this keyword phrase. Market Samurai suggests any number 100,000 or less in this column is good. It means your website has a good chance of ranking in the search engines using that keyword phrase.
  • SEOV: This column is the search engine optimization value and it means that advertisers are paying to have their ads indexed under this keyword phrase. Keyword phrases with commercial investments are more valuable.

Reviewing this information there are two keyword phrases that I can use to create a long-tail keyword phrase or use it for a keyword rich title of a blog post. My choices are best WordPress plugin and WordPress SEO plugin.

I want you to notice that the keyword phrase I started with Top WordPress Plugin is not a keyword phrase that is currently receiving much traffic. Its SEOT was only 3 when I set the match type to exact. I see a lot of this with my client?s keyword phrase choices for their website pages and posts. Optimizing my websites Meta tags or blog post tags with my initial choice would not have been as beneficial as using best WordPress Plugins and WordPress SEO plugin.

This is an example of why this keyword module is useful to help your online real-estate have the best opportunity to connect you with your audience, it is important to get your pages and posts indexed in the search engines accurately with keywords that are receiving traffic and Market Samurai can help you achieve this goal.

If you are building an online business I recommend this product to help your create content that will be indexed accurately to reach your audience. To get started click on this link

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Written by: edford on September 6, 2012.
Last revised by: edford
on September 4, 2012.


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