Friday, April 12, 2013

Healthy Living ? Blog Archive ? Facts About Electronic Cigarette

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse roughly 90 percent of lung cancer that occur in the United States happen due to tobacco and others become afflicted with diseases such as emphysema and heart disease. These high incidence of illnesses occur in part due to the tar found in cigarette products. Hence, many people are trying to kick the habit, and find it difficult reverting to smoking once again. However, there is an alternative on the market that you can use instead and that is electronic cigarette.

When you choose these revolutionary products, you find a product with the same design as traditional cigarettes. However, they are safer and give you the same sensation that you receive from the traditional product but without the devastating health effects.

Electronic cigarettes have been on the market from the early 60s and over the years many upgrades created to enhance the effectiveness. Additionally, many researches have tested these cigarettes alternative and compared them to the traditional cigarettes on the market. These studies showed that e-cigs provide the same effective response that one gets from smoking a cigarette.

Many people choose to use electronic cigarettes to stop smoking with success over nicotine patches or gum. This new alternative works better than patches and gum because of the great flavor and the rapid sensation. In addition to the great flavor, users like the fact that they still have the effect of inhaling smoke and the same look of cigarettes. Thus, with all the same qualities in place the intense desire to go back to smoking the traditional way seldom occurs.

Additionally, with many public places banning smoking, using electronic cigarettes have become quite popular in those places. Thus, they are a great alternative to anyone who has the desire to stop smoking, or who want to still enjoy areas that ban cigarette smokers.

As you can see electronic cigarettes, makes a big difference in a smoker?s life. It provides the same great smoking sensation has the same appearance and does it without the health effects as well. With that said, only purchase from reputable companies as many fake cigarettes have flooded the market and those can be dangerous.

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