Thursday, January 10, 2013

Confused: This doesn't feel like a pre-adoptive placement - Adoption ...

Several years ago we had a "low legal risk" placement that DCF insisted was a "slam dunk". Nine months later, DCF lost the TPR trial and the baby was RUed.

Sometimes DCF lies. Sometimes they just don't know.

I'd ask for the contact information for the child's court-appointed attorney or the GAL (depending on what they have in your state) and ask him/her where the legal case stands. Exactly what are bios doing on their plan? Does the atty think there is a strong case to TPR? What about other siblings?

We learned that "low legal risk" means absolutely nothing. Other than our first kiddo, we've also had a low legal risk where we finalized in 5 months, and currently have a low legal risk where we'll be lucky to finalize after he's been with us for three years. (Because of the appeals process.)

ETA: In our first kiddo's case, the ONLY thing bios reliably did was visits. And in our first and last kiddos' cases, even once the TPR trial started, it dragged out for almost a year. And then it can be another two years for the appeals process to play out (at least in MA). In my opinion, if bios are fighting and they just got 6 more months of services... you're in for a LONG ride with an uncertain outcome. Sorry.

Last edited by MassachusettsMom : Yesterday at 06:41 PM.


louis oosthuizen phil mickelson 10 year old gives birth c. difficile carmelo anthony nurse jackie nurse jackie

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