Monday, February 20, 2012

Workplace Encapsulates Cancer Risk | TopNews United States

While so much is being talked about workplace safety, little is known that there are glaring concerns attached with working environment instigating as many as 5000 cancers a year. Knowing the fact that carcinogens in the workplace could make things worst in the time to come, not much is being done.

While the level of attention as far as cancers triggering from tobacco use and sun exposure is considerably high, not much research work is done to make sure that factors which are pushing the cancer incidence rate are being attended to.

"Poor awareness of exposure to occupational carcinogens and (a) lack of attribution of cancer to occupational causes... limits opportunities to reduce the likelihood and extent of exposure?, said Professor Lin Fritschi, head of the Epidemiology Group at the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research in Perth, Western Australia, who lead the study along with his team. The study was published in the Medical Journal of Australia. The author is told to have done profound work in a number of large case-control studies so that concrete improvements can be made in the manner one can examine historical exposure to chemicals.

There is need for concrete measures to be taken to underline the factors which are adding onto the reasons behind cancer. Moreover, audits and reviews must be paced up to make sure that such sensitive factor could not be overlooked.

While there are rising number of people getting affected by some or the other cancer, medical community must not ward off the risk and cater to the root cause with immediate attention. Even there is dire need to make people aware about the same as there is not much awareness spread about the same in public domain.

It is necessary that the concern shared recently is being fully attended by concerned authorities before it make things a lot difficult to manage.


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